Update: the schedule of speakers for "The Arab-Israeli Conflict" Presidential Dream Course will be posted here by mid-December. The Syllabus for the course should be available on this website by New Year's.
The course "The Arab-Israeli Conflict" will be taught as a Presidential Dream Course in the spring semester of 2011. This means a number of speakers will be coming to campus throughout the semester. Each speaker will give a public lecture, and those taking the course will also get to meet with him/her during class time.
Important information for those considering to take the course - read this before enrolling:
The University and I are investing time and resources in inviting guest speakers and making this course a memorable learning experience about the Conflict. Public lectures will be an inseparable part of this course, and will take place in the afternoons/evenings. If you choose to register for this class, please make sure your schedule allows you to attend the lectures. Attendance will be taken at all lectures, and will be an integral part of the final grade. Missing more than one public lecture will not allow you to earn a passing grade for the course.
The class will meet twice a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays, 1:30-2:45. Public lectures, as much as possible, will be scheduled on one of these two days. The schedule of speakers will be posted on this website sometime in November. If registering for this class before the schedule of public lectures is available, please check back to make sure you can make it to lectures. If your schedule cannot in any way fit into the program, you may want to consider taking this course sometime in the future, or come see me and we'll talk about it.